Sure, PowerShell had that 'hash tag + hit TAB' crap, but they've never had 'up arrow' access to the command history. Well, not anymore...
To get started, you'll need three things:
- A script to backup and restore your command history each time you start/exit a PowerShell instance. (don't worry, the execution time is negligible)
- This backup/restore script will require the PSReadLine module.
- The easiest way to get the PSReadLine module is to install PsGet.
Let's do this in reverse...
Step 1: Install PsGet here: For the security conscious people, alternate methods of installation are available, OR you take the security-lite approach and download/inspect the files before execution.(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex
Step 2: Install/Import the PSReadLine module.
install-module PSReadline
Step 3: Add a script to your profile that loads/saves your command history. Be sure to have the path ready (HistoryDirPath). For me, I like to put his into a dropbox location and share it amongst my other workstations. Or if you want to have some level of separation, change the file name (HistoryFileName)
$MaximumHistoryCount = 31KB
$ImportedHistoryCount = 0
$HistoryDirPath = "c:\dropbox\powershell\history\"
$HistoryFileName = "history.clixml"
if (!(Test-Path $HistoryDirPath -PathType Container))
{ New-Item $HistoryDirPath -ItemType Directory }
Register-EngineEvent PowerShell.Exiting –Action {
$TotalHistoryCount = 0
Get-History | ? {$TotalHistoryCount++;$true}
$RecentHistoryCount = $TotalHistoryCount - $ImportedHistoryCount
$RecentHistory = Get-History -Count $RecentHistoryCount
if (!(Test-path ($HistoryDirPath + $HistoryFileName)))
Get-History | Export-Clixml ($HistoryDirPath + $HistoryFileName)
$OldHistory = Import-Clixml ($HistoryDirPath + $HistoryFileName)
$NewHistory = @($OldHistory + $RecentHistory)
$NewHistory | Export-Clixml ($HistoryDirPath + $HistoryFileName)
if (Test-path ($HistoryDirPath + $HistoryFileName))
Import-Clixml ($HistoryDirPath + $HistoryFileName) | ? {$count++;$true} |Add-History
Write-Host -Fore Green "`nLoaded $count history item(s).`n"
$ImportedHistoryCount = $count
# Importing PSReadline must come AFTER you load your command history
if ($host.Name -eq 'ConsoleHost')
Import-Module PSReadline
# if you don't already have this configured...
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -Function HistorySearchBackward
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key DownArrow -Function HistorySearchForward
Your profile location will be something like:
Now for the fiiixins...
Redirect your default profile to your tricked-out profile.
Since you're putting your command history and profile on dropbox, don't forget to add your modules as well!
Setup a command line installer like Scoop or Chocolatey.
With one of these installer you're one line away from all sorts of cool tools, stuff like: 7zip, curl, grep, nano, git, openssh, vim, wget. With Chocolately you can install goodies like Notepad++, Chrome, VLC, etc.
bunch of sources: