I have no idea what I'm doing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A better Windows Command Line

Scott Hanselman has an interesting post about the Windows Command Line, including many apps I haven't seen before.  My current favorite is ConsoleZ.  I like the clean interface, the screen splitting feature, and also tabs if needed. Once you combine that with Dropbox + PortableApps, you get all kinds of goodies, such as VIM, Brief the editor, MPX a console music player, Lynx web browser, etc.

Tabs at the bottom...

Lynx, a great web browser if you want to get straight to the text..

Friday, July 5, 2013

Amazon's desktop Cloud Player

Amazon's desktop Cloud Player is out, and the quality is surprisingly good.  No hiccups yet.  There aren't a lot of options (adjusting cache size, exporting to WMP, auto-download), but for simply playing music in my Amazon library, it's nice.

Looking at the process strings are interesting.... aside from the floral pattern, there's references to Adobe ImageReady, QT, openssl, Inkscape, and various certificate authority thumbprints - include DigiNotar!